Configuring Outlook to delete emails from the server automatically

Deleting emails frees up space on your mail server and speeds up your MS Outlook’s operation. However, going over each email can be a tedious task, especially if you are already receiving a lot of them. But, you can configure your MS Outlook to delete messages automatically off the server after a set number of days.

Please note –  As a convenience to our clients, we provide some information and links about how to set up various (third party) email client products, however we do not provide direct support for third-party products. If you have difficulty setting up your email client, you will need to seek advice from an IT specialist to set up your computer.

Follow the steps below:

1. Go to File > Account Settings > Add and remove accounts or change existing connection settings.

2. Select the email account you want to configure, then tick Change.

3. Tick More Settings...

4. Tick Leave a copy of messages on the server, then tick Remove from server after . Enter the number of days you want your emails to be deleted from the server, then click OK.